Suffolk is home. It’s where I raised my two daughters, both of whom are proud graduates of Ward Melville HS. It’s where I work. For the past twenty-two years, I have taught at Stony Brook University, and for the past two and a half years, I have been the chair of the Chemistry Department at Stony Brook. Suffolk is where I built my life. But right now, DC politicians are pushing an agenda that hurts the place we love and the people we care about.
As a scientist, I rely on facts and data, so let’s get those straight:
To protect families like yours and mine, we need a representative who will work with Republicans and Democrats to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, ensure local public safety and social services have the resources they need, and use facts to guide us through the coronavirus pandemic. And that’s exactly what I’ll as First female Ph.D. scientist ever to serve in Congress.